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Walking Passed God

Walking Passed God @godschicki

I shared yesterday about helping a homeless woman, Cheryl, out near Thanksgiving one year.

We bought her dinner, and when Cheryl was done, we all went to our van and we were going to take her offered to take her home. She said she had a sister in the area that may take her in for Thanksgiving and so we were going to take her to her sister’s house and see if her sister would indeed take her in.

Walking the Talk

At the time my family drove a van and the whole back side of it was plastered with Christian bumper stickers.

When Cheryl saw this she said “You know, you are the first person or people with Christian bumper stickers to stop and help!”.

Day after day, she watched people with bumper stickers for radio stations or just cute Christian sayings and just drive past her without so much as looking or stopping the offer to pray with her or any help whatsoever.

Words to Think About

“One day I just got so mad. I went to God. ‘Do you see how Your people are ignoring me? Driving right passed?'”

“Then He spoke to me saying ‘How many times do you walk right passed me?‘”

“I sat down right then and got my Bible out and began reading and praying. How sad is it that we just walk right by God?”

I have thought about that often.

Walking Passed God @godschicki

How many times do I go to God upset over something and all the while I do it to Him?

I go to Him feeling alone. The truth is that I am never alone. He is with me always and I have just walked right passed Him.

I go to Him when I feel that I have been wronged or treated unfairly. How many times have I sinned against Him, treated Him unfairly?

I feel ignored. How often do I ignore the fact the God of the Universe wants to commune with me?

Is it wrong to take all of these feelings to God? I do not believe so, but often we need to shift our focus. It is okay to have those feelings, but not dwell there.

What a blessing I would have missed out on if we had just turned a blind eye to Cheryl’s need! If we had dismissed her as so many had.

Have you ever been blessed by helping someone? Were you blessed as a result?

Grace & Truth Linkup @godschicki

8 thoughts on “Walking Passed God

  1. We need more people like you in the world that just genuinely want to help. I am glad she find your family and you were able to show the love of Christ. We never know if we are entertaining angels

  2. Your heart is in the right place.
    If I may add,
    “Walking Past God” is correct
    “Walking PASSED God” is incorrect.

    Thank you for caring. It makes a difference.

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