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More Than ‘Just a Mom’

Timeless Mama

When I was little and people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. It varied greatly from year to year, or even month to month. Nurse (because in my young-2 or 3 year old- mind, nurses where girls as boys were doctors), doctor, marine biologist, artist, photographer, journalist, FBI agent…

Of course I also wanted to be a mom, but society says we should aspire to be more than ‘just a mom’, so I thought I needed to be more. Even in high school, I had a Sunday school teacher tell me I needed to be more than ‘just a mom’.

God has shown me a lot since then. He has given me a desire to train these precious little ones up in the way that they should go. To stay home with them.

Since becoming a mom, I have been asked a few times what I do. I don’t think I have ever used the words ‘just a mom’.

I feel like the greatest thing I can do for the Kingdom of God, and the world in general, is to raise our children according to the Word.

I have heard it said that

“Quality doesn’t happen without quantity.”

It is pretty true. If you try to force quality, often it does not happen. But if you are spending a lot of time with someone, those moments do happen, naturally.

Mama, chef, gardener, laundry woman, nurse, teacher, comforter, planner, coordinator, chauffeur….all titles I fill pretty much every day.

This is my mission field.

I almost skipped this prompt. Partially because I used my post on a Mama’s Mission Field in another Loft Linkup, forgetting about this, and I did not have any ideas for a meaningful post. But I ran across this quote and wanted to share.

“Those think that a woman detained at home by her little family is doing nothing, think the reverse of what is true. Scarcely can the godly mother quit her home for a place of worship; but dream not that she is lost to the work of the church; far from it, she is doing the best possible service for her Lord. Mothers, the godly training of your offspring is your first and most pressing duty.”

Charles Spurgeon


Another quote I love is often mistakenly attributed to C.S. Lewis:

Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.

John Trainer, MD

In other news, I do not think I have posted about this yet, but…..


Which means that I will not likely be able to do the big Home Blessing Box giveaway I had planned for November 3rd (International Homemaker’s Day), so I will be doing that sooner. I will keep you posted. Be sure to follow so you know when I get it going!

Facebook is also changing the way it does things for blogs, and with it being so hard to be seen in the first place (unless you pay to promote), I have made a facebook community to keep better connected with you! Please come and join us!

Timeless Mama Facebook Group

#TheLoft @godschicki

3 thoughts on “More Than ‘Just a Mom’

  1. Oh my word!! Congratulations! How wonderful that you are going to be adding another blessing to your family!! “just a mom”….I don’t think so. It truly is THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK a woman can do. She can change the world by raising godly children. Thanks for being part of The Loft. So glad you decided to join us this week.

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