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Love Nudge, Planning, and The Aprons & Pearls Linkup

Today our oldest turns six! I cannot believe it has gone by so fast. It seems like just yesterday we were on our way to the hospital to have him.

It has been a busy week.

I did not accomplish all the I wanted to last week, but I did get a lot done while my mom and sister were up.

This past weekend a stomach bug hit our house. The youngest puked in the am, which is not at all like him. Our oldest, B, could not seem to keep anything down most of the day. Then girlie got it. I ran out for some grape juice because I have heard it keeps others from getting sick and helps recovery with stomach bugs. I gave everyone a big cup and it seems to have worked. No one puked after we had it. I have been giving everyone a big glass of it just to make sure we are all good. I went with white grape because it is one that does not lead to other stomach issues that too much of other juices can cause.

Some extra laundry and cleaning up. We stayed in from church Sunday since it was within 24 hours of them being sick.

Last week brought some nice weather that allowed me to hang clothes out on the line. I got six loads of laundry done Friday. Today is supposed to be nice so I washed up several loads to hang on the line.

It is looking like we will not get any snow this year, which makes me sad. I love snow, and our oldest really enjoyed it last year. It was nice to finally have someone to play in the snow with.

I am looking forward to March. Hubby will be belt testing to move to the advanced class, so I will be able to rejoin the beginner krav maga class. Much is changed from what hubby has told me, so I am glad to still be a white belt.

We will be dedicating our two youngest boys to the Lord in church Sunday. We did our oldest two children at our former church, and we were in between churches when we had our third. I am trying to pick verses for them to use during the dedication.

Then, after church, at the usual Sunday potluck we will have a party for our oldest since everyone will be up anyway.

There will be some party prep going on this week. I think I am taking taco stuff for the potluck/party.

Today is the last official storytime for our oldest! This session actually ends on his birthday.

Last week I shared about the Love Nudge App. It has really been good to see what hubby’s love languages are, and how he is feeling. I would highly recommend it.

There have been some wonderful, teachable moments with the children lately that I hope to write about soon.

What is going on in your world? Is spring just around the corner?


 On to the linkup!

The Aprons & Pearls Link-up

“If you want to experience consistent victory and see it played out in the atmosphere of your home, continually look for areas in which the Holy Spirit is leading to greater obedience, and ask God what your part is in making that a reality.

Cynthia Carrier

Aprons & Pearls Link~up @godschicki

This is a Christ-based weekly link-up to encourage others in their walks, and help Christian bloggers get their work out there.

Leave links to posts that are:

Homemaking/natural living/parenting/Christian walk related.

This could be natural living posts, recipes, cleaning, parenting, devotions, lessons, homeschool, Christian living, mentoring, modesty, gardening, homemade, diy, marriage, relationships, frugality, etc.

Linking Guidelines:

2 thoughts on “Love Nudge, Planning, and The Aprons & Pearls Linkup

  1. Oh, the days of marathon stomach bugs! You do have my sincere sympathy!
    So glad to hear that there have been good teachable moments with the kids. I still remember and even write about the ones I remember with my crew. Of course, now that they are older, their teachable moments often turn into teachable moments for me. (ouch)

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